The Academic Exchange Association offers comprehensive opportunities for independent information and exchange on the topic of investments and financial security. Members come from a wide range of subjects and experience interesting company tours and exciting guest lectures together.
Members receive free magazines such as Fokus, Capital and EURO to keep them up to date.
Contact: infoabv-greifswaldde or Facebook or www.abv-greifswald.de

We are a non-profit initiative with over 6,000 volunteer mentors in 75 local groups across Germany. We encourage pupils from families in which no one or hardly anyone has studied to study. We also support them from the start of their studies through to successful graduation.
We help with practical information on our freely accessible internet portal on study and funding opportunities. We also have a large nationwide network of volunteer mentors who act as local contacts for pupils, students and parents, providing advice and support and acting as role models. With us, everyone can ask questions about studying - and it's better to have three more questions than one too few.
Contact: greifswaldarbeiterkindde or Facebook
The AKJ is an association of students (mainly law students) that reflects on the social aspects of law and promotes a critical approach to law. We hold discussions, organise lectures, panel discussions and film screenings, observe demonstrations and help in refugee shelters, design information material, network with other politically active groups, enable us to think outside the box and offer space for our own ideas and individual freedom. Weekly plenum on Wednesdays from 8 pm in the klex.
Contact: akj-greifswaldsystemausfallorg or www.recht-kritisch.de

Would you like to put your knowledge into practice? As a registered and non-profit organisation, we offer you the opportunity to put the theoretical results you have gained into practice in project work. We are always on the lookout for motivated and motivated students who are able to work in a team and who are willing to liven up our association.
Contact: infocapufakturde or Facebook or www.capufaktur.de

We rehearse Russian, Ukrainian and Polish Language songs - every Monday from 6pm in the Slavic Studies building at the University of Greifswald (Domstr. 9/10).
Contact: Facebook

ELSA leistet als unabhängige, politisch neutrale und als gemeinnützig anerkannte Organisation einen Beitrag zur Ausbildung von Studenten der Rechtswissenschaften, Referendaren und jungen Juristen. Das Ziel ist es, Juristen vom ersten Semester an bis zum Eintritt in das Berufsleben den Blick über den nationalen und universitären Tellerrand zu ermöglichen sowie ein Gespür für internationale Zusammenhänge zu entwickeln. Durch Studienfahrten, Law Events, simulierte Gerichtsverhandlungen (Moot Courts), Themenabende oder auch Vortragsreihen leisten wir einen aktiven Beitrag zur Juristenausbildung hier in Greifswald vor Ort.
Kontakt: Facebook oder www.elsa-greifswald.de

If you want to do something good and get involved socially, you are very welcome to join us. Anyone between the ages of 16 and 30 is welcome to join us and contribute their ideas. We are non-denominational, politically neutral and membership is independent of social status and financial means. Leos focus on supporting socially disadvantaged and needy people and raising social awareness of these marginalised groups. Each club chooses the active help, the so-called activities, according to the needs of its neighbourhood and the interests of its members. For example, we play bingo at a retirement home, collect food for the food bank, fill socks for the homeless every year at St Nicholas' Day and support the Kinderschutzbund at various events or go on excursions with the children. We also have two animal sponsorships at the zoo, which we also support with our energy. Being a Leo means taking on responsibility, having fun and making friends all over the world.
Contact us: Facebook or www.leo-clubs.de

At Kabutze, you can repair your clothes or tackle small and large sewing projects - a little sewing experience is helpful, but not a must. Volunteers from our team will help you to help yourself.
Whether you're a beginner or a professional, the workshop is for everyone - it's an open sewing workshop!
Office hours: Tuesday 10-14 & Thursday 16-20
Repair Café: on the 1st Thursday of the month 20-22
Late-Night-Butze: on the 3rd Thursday of the month 20-22
Mondays 21-24 Billiard Butze by HelpingHands
We are a non-profit initiative and our team works on a voluntary basis.
We recommend a donation of €3 - €6 per hour for the use of the workshop.
Would you like to join us?
We meet every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 7.30 pm for a plenary session.
Contact: Facebook or www.kabutze-greifswald.de
ParaGreif - Student Legal Counselling e.V.

The association ParaGreif - Studentische Rechtsberatung e.V. is now also realising a so-called Law Clinic in Greifswald. Law students, under the professional supervision of fully qualified lawyers, offer initial advice on legal problems relating to civil and asylum law to those who cannot afford legal counselling.
We offer law students the opportunity to expand their studies with extracurricular content in special areas of law as well as initial practical experience in client meetings in teamwork, to network with other committed people throughout Germany, to work with major international law firms and to work for a good cause in the process. All students are also welcome to take part in the weekly meetings and help organise the association.