International and more


Are you interested in international politics and want to take on new challenges alongside your studies? Then the seminar organised by GreiMUN e. V. is just the correctness for you! Greifswald Model United Nations e. V. is a student association with the goal of promoting an understanding of the work of the UN and an interest in international relations. We offer an English Language seminar with a strong practical focus for students from all faculties: For example, you will learn how diplomats behave on the international stage and can put your own diplomatic skills to the test in two local simulation games. As a highlight, a delegation flies to the National Model United Nations in New York every spring.

Contact: infogreimunorg or Facebook

Greifswald International Students Festival - GrlStuF

GrIStuF is a colourful bunch of young people who organise the biennial Greifswald International Students Festival (GrIStuF) every two years. Every semester we also organise the Running Dinner and once a year we organise the Fête de la Musique. Creative minds and helping hands are always needed. Interested? Then come and visit us (Am Schießwall 1-4, old travel agency), where we meet every Wednesday at 20:00 in our club living room.

Contact: infogristuforg, or Facebook

LEI Greifswald

The Local Erasmus Initiative Greifswald is a group of students and employees who volunteer for all foreign students in Greifswald. We organise day and weekend trips, cultural evenings, sporting events, parties and other varied events.

Get to know many international and LEI students and be inspired by LEI and your own experiences abroad. Are you interested? Then come along to our regulars' tables and get to know us!

Contact us: Facebook