Greifswald is a cycling city, no question about it. And yet, as a local cycling club, we are calling for the two-wheel potential of our Hanseatic town to be utilised more. We aim to achieve this through our commitment at local and regional level.
In addition to this more transport-political view of the town [Rostock is the only city in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern], we also maintain various projects that aim to make cycling on the Bodden more pleasant and beautiful. For example, our *self-help workshop* for students (Wednesdays) or the free cargo bike hire service if you're moving into a new shared flat. Otherwise, we cycle a lot. Both after-work tours (Thursdays), but also all-day excursions. You can't avoid the bike here anyway, so let's go for a spin together!
Contact: greifswaldadfc-mvde or www.adfc-greifswald.de

Since 2010, we have been planning campaigns and workshops on ecological and social issues, leading consumption-critical city tours and organising care missions around Greifswald.
We are a colourful bunch of bright young people who want to make the world a little bit more sustainable, fairer and more colourful. We welcome anyone who has creative ideas and wants to realise them with us. We meet every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 7 pm in the klex youth centre. Come along!
Contact: Facebook or <link typo3/www.bundjugend-mv.de - external-link "Öffnet internen Link<a href="https://www.bundjugend-mv.de">">www.bundjugend-mv.de;
Email: infobundjugend-mvde

With us, you will be part of a colourful mix of people who are united by a drive for environmental protection. Together we inform people on the street about current environmental policy issues, demonstrate and protest against genetic engineering, microplastics and environmental pollution, show alternatives for a more sustainable everyday life, organise clothes swap parties and upcycling projects and present exhibitions on regional topics.
Show us what you want to do. Knowledge and experience grow quickly through exchange, cool activities and further training. Get involved and come along! We meet every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 7 pm. Our initiative office is located on the top floor of Lange Straße 60 and we look forward to meeting you!
Contact us: Facebook or www.greifswald-stralsund.greenpeace.de

The NABU Greifswald District Association is a nature conservation organisation that deals with nature, people and their environment in a variety of ways. In addition to the active board, which is made up of volunteer members, there are numerous specialist groups that have specialised in topics relevant to nature conservation. NABU Greifswald also has a children's group.
Contact: greifswaldnabumvde or Facebook or <link typo3 www.nabu-greifswald.de external-link internen>www.nabu-greifswald.de

We are a non-profit organisation and run a small rescue centre for cats and small animals, support pet owners in their search for lost pets and run public feeding stations.
Contact: Facebook or <link typo3 www.tierschutzbund-greifswald.de external-link internen>www.tierschutzbund-greifswald.de

All for water. Water for all.
Under this motto, a crew from Viva con Agua (VcA) in Greifswald is also committed to the topic of WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene). The focus of our actions is on: All Profit. Everyone should benefit from our various activities. That's why we don't stand in the pedestrian zones to collect donations, but instead come up with various activities (parties, flea market in the meatpacking district, ...).
Contact: greifswaldvivaconaguaorg or Facebook