We campaign for human rights - above all with letter campaigns, petitions, information stands, film evenings and exhibitions. Our work is based on the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Our group works on the topic of "human rights violations against women" and current campaigns. You are very welcome and we look forward to hearing your ideas! Meetings: Every 2 weeks on Tuesdays at Baustraße 36/37 at 8 pm.
Contact: kontaktamnesty-greifswaldde or Facebook or www.amnesty-greifswald.de

A worldwide network of young committed people, a platform to realise your own ideas for social projects, a meeting place for friends with whom you can learn, help and celebrate. Rotaract is all that! In Germany alone, 4,000 members in over 185 Rotaract clubs work together to help others and contribute to international understanding and peace through friendship, fairness and tolerance. Rotaract is politically and religiously independent. We meet every Monday at 8 pm, alternating between meetings and regulars' tables.
Contact: greifswaldrotaractde or Facebook or greifswald.rotaract.de

As a charity and aid organisation, the DRK-Kreisverband Ostvorpommern-Greifswald e.V. combines a wide range of full-time and voluntary activities under one roof. We are looking for committed helpers who would like to strengthen our volunteer work in the areas of disaster control, water rescue, the "School & DRK" project and the Red Cross Youth, as well as in the areas of first aid, the Medical Task Force and the local associations. We look forward to meeting you!
Contact: kreisverbanddrk-ovp-hgwde or Facebook or www.drk-ovp-hgw.de

We, the members of "Grypsnasen - Clowns im Krankenhaus" e.V., go to the paediatric wards of Greifswald Hospital as hospital clowns and work, play and have fun with the little patients. Our goal is to bring joy and variety to everyday hospital life for the little patients and their relatives. If you also see the clown in you, you are cordially invited to join our training programme! When and where? Usually every Tuesday from 8 to 10 pm at Ellernholzstraße 1 in the sports hall of the day clinic. You are also welcome to contact us in advance!
Contact us: Facebook or www.grypsnasen.de

Gender Trouble AG is committed to equal rights for all genders, gender roles and sexual identities. Our focus is on gender equality for homosexuals, bisexuals and transsexuals in Greifswald and the surrounding area. In addition to current lecture series, we also organise parties and other events. If you are interested and want to get involved, just get in touch.
Contact: asta_ag-gender@uni-greifswald.de or Instagram

The association is the contact for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex* people in Greifswald. We want to promote tolerance and acceptance of these groups in the general population through advice and events (e.g. Day of Acceptance). If you are interested or have any questions, please contact us!
Contact: queerinhgwgmxde or Facebook or www.queeringreifswald.de

verquer. is an educational project that organises theme days on issues of global justice for classes and groups in Western Pomerania. We also organise lectures, workshops and parties and do radio (VeRa, even week, Thurs. 21.00, radio 98eins). We organise weekly afternoon activities for young people in Anklam and Greifswald and an annual summer camp. We are always happy to hear from committed people who would like to get involved in the various programmes.
Contact: infobildung-verquerde or www.bildung-verquer.de

The Nightline is a listening and information hotline by students for students. We listen to you, no matter what problem is bothering you and won't let you go. For a few minutes, hours or half the night... and completely confidential, anonymous and at eye level.
Telephone: +49 3834 863016
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday: 21:00 to 01:00 (during the lecture period)
Contact: kontaktnightline-greifswaldde or Facebook or www.nightlinegreifswald.de

The youth initiative ProTon e.V. is a non-profit association organised solely through the voluntary work of committed young people and young adults. Its main tasks are to organise and run events at the klex youth centre. As an event venue, the klex is a free space for alternative culture, participation, diversity, communication and creativity based on anti-fascist, anti-racist and anti-sexist values.

The Stadtjugendring Greifswald e.V. (Greifswald City Youth Council) pools the interests of Greifswald's youth organisations and represents them in dealings with the city's public authorities. The SJR Greifswald e.V. runs the "klex" youth centre, which offers a wide range of activities in the areas of adventure and adventure education, advice, environmental education, do-it-yourself with a bicycle self-help workshop, youth politics and media education. In addition, many associations and initiatives have their permanent headquarters and offices in the "klex" (Lange Straße 14).
Contact: kontaktsjr-greifswaldde or Facebook or www.sjr-greifswald.de

We are GreifBar, a congregation consisting mainly of students and young families. Every Sunday we celebrate church service at 5 pm with modern music from a band, input and prayer. We also have many social projects that you can get involved in!
Contact: Facebook or www.greifbar.net