Attracted by the question "Do you also only produce blanks?", a bunch of students with a passion for writing and literature, some from completely different subject disciplines, met for the first time in the early evening of 11 November 2004 in the German Language and Literature department at the University of Greifswald, where they soon came together under the name "Greifswald University Student Authors' Association" (GUStAV for short). They pondered what literature was and what it wasn't, a topic that still occupies them to this day and still hasn't received a conclusive answer. However, they didn't just meet to simply discuss, but above all to discuss their own texts, not tearing up many of them, but improving some, inspiring each other and donorising each other to write again and again.
At some point, they came up with the idea of presenting selected texts to a wider audience in a reading. The first performance entitled "GUStAV reads!" took place on 9 July 2005 in the Koeppenhaus and was enthusiastically received. Motivated by the popularity of the audience, further readings followed, including at St. Spiritus, the Department of German, the Hornfischbar, the Foreign Languages and Media Centre, the Klex and most recently on 26.04.2013 in the Kiste, so that the authors' association can now look back on eleven successful readings.
Accompanying booklets were also produced for three of the events with the help of "moritz - student media", in which the reading texts could be read again. This reader is intended to continue this service, and booklets are also being planned for the next GUStAV readings.
In addition to the regular meetings, which are of course open to all interested parties, and the readings, the association also organises a writing workshop every winter semester. This offers first-year students in particular an excellent opportunity to get to know the Gustels and join them. The relevant dates can be found on the first semester flyers of the AStA of the University of Greifswald.
Contact: Facebook or www.greifswalder-autorenverein.de
In cooperation with Caspar's Children - FSR Art, we at Greifswald Helps Refugees have been creating a joint project with art enthusiasts from all over the world since January 2017.
Have you always wanted to let off steam at the drawing pad? Then you've come to the right place!
You can expect workshops that will teach you different art techniques. No previous knowledge is required.
Contact us: Facebook

The StudentenTheater is a non-profit association that offers students the opportunity to make Theatre. Anyone who is enthusiastic about Theatre can become a member of the association. If you don't want to be on stage yourself, you are also welcome to work behind the scenes or in the organisation. We are happy to welcome anyone who wants to contribute their creativity and commitment!
Contact: infostuthede or Facebook or www.stuthe.de
Hi, we are Ryckspiel, the community for pencil and paper role-playing games in Greifswald. We meet once a month in the student club Kiste e.V. to play adventures together. We have also been organising an annual convention lasting several days since 2018. Everyone is welcome here, whether young or old, newcomer or old hand. So if you enjoy telling imaginative stories, experiencing fantastic adventures and fighting heroic battles, why not drop by or write to us? You can find more information about the convention and upcoming dates on our website.
Contact us: Facebook or rollenspielhgwgmailcom