If you don't know who to write to, you can also write to this email: astauni-greifswaldde
AStA - Chair
Raphael Scherer
... is responsible for the management of the AStA's work, represents the AStA and the student body towards the university and externally and is responsible for all areas of the AStA, in this context he acts as the AStA's press spokesperson.
Find out more about the chairmanship here ...
Head of department Administration & Manager
Kristina Müller
... deals with the staff development of the AStA, the processing of requests for the use of funds from the residence bonus, as well as the purchasing department and is responsible for the allocation of the AStA's premises and for construction and technology
in the AStA's premises and issues activity certificates.
Contact us
Head of department Administration and manager
Consultation hours: Tuesday 12:00-15:00
Phone: +49 3834 420 1763
Email: asta_gefueuni-greifswaldde
General Students' Committee
Friedrich-Loeffler-Straße 28
17489 Greifswald
Head of department Finance & HR Department
Wigbert Schüller
.... manages the student body's income and expenses, draws up and administers the budget plan and is responsible for preparing the ancillary wage costs and for preparing the VAT return, as well as for the student body's social security contributions. He*she advises and supervises the members of the student body in staff matters and must also be consulted on decisions regarding the allocation of funds from the residence bonus.
Find out more about the Head of Department Finance & HR Department here ...
Head of department Events
... supports the members of the General Student Committee in the planning, implementation and organisation of events. The department (Abteilung) also works closely with the organisers of the fresher's week and the 24-hour lecture.
Find out more about the head of department for events here ...
Contact us
Head of department events and student culture
Consultation hours:
Phone: +49 3834 420 1766
Email: asta_veranstaltungenuni-greifswaldde
General Students' Committee
Friedrich-Loeffler-Straße 28
17489 Greifswald
Consultant for Digital
Anna Zimdahl
... revises processes for digitisation in the student body, taking into account data protection aspects, works towards the introduction of open software within the student self-government, supports the student body in the expansion of digitisation processes, is responsible for the concrete implementation of e-administration and for the maintenance and upkeep of the student portal.
Find out more about the Digital Department (Abteilung) here ...
Contact us
Consultant for Digital Affairs
Consultation hours: Wednesday 15:00-17:00 and Thursday 11:00-12:00
Phone +49 3834 420 1750
Email: asta_digitalesuni-greifswaldde
General Students' Committee
Friedrich-Loeffler-Straße 28
17489 Greifswald
Advisor for student council finances
Irma Goerschel
... is responsible in particular for the advice, supervision and control of the finances of the Department Student Councils and supports the preparation of the budget accounts, including the preparation of disbursement orders for the retrieval of Department Student Council finances. He/she is also responsible for updating the handbook for student council finances and organising regular finance workshops.
Find out more about the Department (Abteilung) of Student Council Finances here ...
Consultant for third-party funds and residence premium
Kerstin Ulrich
is responsible for advising and processing requests for the residence subsidy. He/she is responsible for the raising of external funding/funds, sponsorship and material donations and takes over individual competences of the finance officer in this area by arrangement. He/she cooperates with other AStA officers for their projects, the manager of moritz.media and the responsible bodies at the university.
Find out more about the External Funding Department here ...
Officer for university of applied sciences (UAS) & domestic policy
Emma Karalus
... is responsible for the general networking of the bodies within the student body of the University of Greifswald, as well as networking with other
student bodies in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and the federal government, as well as organising the general assembly and helping to revise statutes and regulations.
Find out more about the Department (Abteilung) of University Applied Sciences (UAS) here ...
Contact us
AStA officer for university and domestic policy
Consultation hours: by agreement
Phone: +49 3834 420 1750
Email: asta_hopouni-greifswaldde
General Students' Committee
Friedrich-Loeffler-Straße 28
17489 Greifswald
Consultant for International Affairs & Anti-Discrimination
Aminat Kossuewa
... is the person to contact for international students at the University of Greifswald, is in close contact with the responsible bodies in the town [Rostock is the only city in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern] and is responsible for the Festival contre le racisme and international aspects.
Contact us
Advisor for international affairs and anti-discrimination
Consultation hours: Monday 16:00-19:00
Phone: +49 3834 420 1750
Email: asta_internationaluni-greifswaldde
General Students' Committee
Friedrich-Loeffler-Straße 28
17489 Greifswald
Public relations officer
Rieke Jakowski
... is responsible for the public relations of the AStA and maintains the social media channels, as well as the contact to university communication and moritz.medien.
Find out more about the Department (Abteilung) of Public Relations here ...
Contact us
Officer for public relations
Consultation hours: Monday 12:00-14:00 and Friday 12:00-13:00
Phone: +49 3834 420 1764
Email: asta_oeffentlichuni-greifswaldde
General Students' Committee
Friedrich-Loeffler-Straße 28
17489 Greifswald
Consultant for Ecology
... is responsible for environmental, sustainable and ecological matters of the student body and aims to promote ecological awareness at the university
through cooperation with the university administration for sustainable matters, events, as well as the sustainable use of funds within the General Student Committee and is responsible for the maintenance and application of the cargo bike, as well as the food sharing bicycles.
Find out more about the Department (Abteilung) of Ecology here ...
Contact us
Consultant for Ecology
Consultation hours:
Phone: +49 3834 420 1750
Email: asta_oekologieuni-greifswaldde
General Students' Committee
Friedrich-Loeffler-Straße 28
17489 Greifswald
Consultant for political education
Henry Weede
... is responsible for supporting students' sense of civil responsibility on the basis of the constitutional order and educating the student body prior to upcoming political or significant university elections and educates the student body about strongly fascist or right-wing extremist movements, groups or associations at the university.
Find out more about the Department (Abteilung) of Political Education here ...
Contact us
Consultant for political education
Consultation hours: Tuesday 16:00-19:00
Phone: +49 3834 420 1750
Email: asta_bildunguni-greifswaldde
General Students' Committee
Friedrich-Loeffler-Straße 28
17489 Greifswald
Officer for Social Affairs & Gender Equality
Kevin Wang
... is responsible for social aspects of work in the student body, organises the emergency accommodation exchange and advises on topics such as BAföG and the
search for accommodation. The department (Abteilung) also plans the Day of Foundations and encourages equal representation on student bodies. It works closely with the Equal Opportunities Office and Student Services and provides information.
Find out more about the Department (Abteilung) of Social Affairs & Gender Equality here ...
Contact us
Officer for social affairs and gender equality
Consultation hours: Tuesday 17:00-18:00 and Wednesday 15:00-17:00
Phone: +49 3834 420 1750
Email: asta_sozialesuni-greifswaldde
General Students' Committee
Friedrich-Loeffler-Straße 28
17489 Greifswald
Advisor for Studies & Teaching
Maybritt Adolphi
... is responsible for supporting students with questions about study planning and problems relating to their studies. In addition, the advisor is involved in maintaining the studyability of all subject areas and works towards increasing the quality of studies and teaching and is involved with the general examination regulations and works with the Senate's Study, Library and IT Commission and the IQS (Office of Quality Assurance (IQS)).
Find out more about the Department (Abteilung) of Studies & Teaching here ...
Contact us
Advisor for studies and teaching
Consultation hours:
Phone: +49 3834 420 1750
Email: asta_studiumuni-greifswaldde
General Students' Committee
Friedrich-Loeffler-Straße 28
17489 Greifswald
Teacher training officer
Nadine Schröder
... supervises the amendment of the Teacher Training Act on behalf of the student body. He*she is responsible for involvement in the university and student teacher training committees. In addition, he/she is the contact person for the Prüfungsordnung (Examination Regulations) of the teaching degree courses and their planned changes.
Find out more about the Teacher Training Department (Abteilung) here ...
Ben Griebel
Administrator for the 24-hour lectures and the fresher weeks
Email: asta_erstiwocheuni-greifswaldde; 24h-vorlesung@uni-greifswald.de
Aliya Mironova
Representative for the application of student events
Contact request via Instagram(@asta_uni_greifswald) or via asta_oeffentlichuni-greifswaldde.