Investing instead of cutting our training!

Wir fordern für unsere Zukunft:

Wir fordern für unsere Zukunft:

1. compensation of the crisis costs for the Student Services.

Reduce the burden on students immediately with low canteen prices and affordable housing!

Like many other organisations, Student Services are suffering from the rise in energy and food prices. Due to a lack of financial support from the state government, the Student Services organisations are forced to pass these costs on to the students. Higher semester fees, rents and cafeteria prices have already been announced and implemented at all sites in M-V.

This is unsustainable and exacerbates the situation for students, which is why we are calling for the state government to compensate for the increased management and production costs in full.

2. no cuts in research and teaching.

We need sufficient HR Department for our training!

The universities of applied sciences (UAS) in M-V have never received sufficient funding. But now the Ministry of Science is planning cutstotalling 18.3 million euros, which are to be passed on to the universities of applied sciences (UAS) in times of crisis. In view of the price increases caused by the crisis, the announced cuts will exacerbate the situation at the universities of applied sciences (UAS).

Job cuts are already being negotiated, which would particularly affect mid-level academic staff and worsen the quality of teaching. After the Federal Government at least partially relieves the burden on the universities of applied sciences (UAS) through the gas and electricity price brakes, the Ministry promptly withdraws the payments. It is clear to us that our future must not be saved. We call on the Ministry of Science to refrain from making cuts to research and teaching.

3. a comprehensive BAföG reform.

So that education no longer depends on the parents' wallets!

A third of all students in Germany live below the poverty line. At the same time, only around 13% of students in Germany receive financial support from the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG). While only minor reforms are being passed at federal level, the financial plight of many students continues to worsen drastically. We are calling for a far-reaching reform of BAföG. In order to actually promote education in 2022, students need a BAföG that is independent of parents and finally enables all students to be independent of their parents' wallets.

4. energy modernisation of the university buildings

Energy transition needs investment!

A mixture of historic and modern buildings characterises the collection of universities of applied sciences (UAS). The will to save energy is also there against the backdrop of the climate crisis. However, investments need to be made in the building fabric of the universities of applied sciences (UAS) in order to effectively save energy. The universities of applied sciences (UAS) cannot do this alone - especially not with the cuts that have been announced. We are calling on the state to invest extensively in the building structure of universities of applied sciences (UAS) in order to tackle the energy and climate crises at the same time.

5 Student collective agreements at universities

End precarious employment!

Employment in the Library, the University Computer Centre and the Students' Registration Office - student assistants everywhere take on administrative tasks for the universities. They are not paid accordingly. At the same time, mid-level staff are struggling with temporary positions and unfair working hours. We are calling for a collective agreement for students, which the state government has also agreed to in the coalition agreement. In addition, the Act on Temporary Academic Contracts must be reformed so that precarious employment relationships at universities of applied sciences (UAS) are finally brought to an end.

6. appreciation of the training centres in MV

The training of the future must be secured!

Current politics show that there is a lack of recognition for universities of applied sciences (UAS) at both state and federal level. The students of today are the teachers, doctors and lawyers of tomorrow. A lack of investment in our education is a lack of investment in the future of the state. We demand that the value of universities of applied sciences (UAS), their staff and students finally be recognised and that we no longer have to worry about our future